
Archive for the ‘site work’ Category

site leveled

The site is pretty much level now.  I haven’t broken down yet and bought a used level, so I’ve been working with an 8″ level duct taped to a straight board.  The pile of clay excavated from the leveling is bigger than I imagined, but even after digging the rubble trench it probably won’t be enough clay for the house.  We’ve been digging test holes at some potential pond sites, to determine if the subsoil at those sites would be suitable for cob.  Stevie gathered up some jars and set up a bunch of shake tests:

There’s about half a foot of snow covering the site at the moment, but once it melts away the next step will be marking the exact location for the rubble trench, and then digging the entire trench by hand.

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topsoil cleared!

Stevie & Noel stake the site

After moving around a lot of stones and bamboo, we decided on the exact location for the house.  A stake was placed marking the center point of the building, and from there we marked some other key points.  And then finally…time to dig!  Noel, Stevie, Gray, and I had a topsoil clearing party to celebrate one of the warmest days we’ve had in weeks.  Now that all the topsoil is gone, next we’ll be leveling the site, and then the rubble trench!

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